
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:12:06

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第834页(2976字)


Ⅰ a.流行的,传染的Ⅱ n.流行病,时疫

acute epidemic conjunctivitis急性流行性结膜炎

an epidemic disease流行病

an influenza epidemic流行性感冒的传播

avoid contacting epidemic pathogens避其毒气

Compendium on Epidemic Febrile Diseases《温热经纬》

doctrine of epidemic febrile disease温病学说

epidemic bronchitis流行性支气管炎

epidemic cholera流行霍乱

epidemic condition流行情况

epidemic cough时行嗽

epidemic conjunctivitis流行性结膜炎

epidemic diarrhea流行性腹泻

epidemic disease characterized by cough时行暴咳

epidemic disease characterized by sudden attack of severe cough时兴暴嗽

epidemic disease characterized by swelling and redness of the face大头瘟

epidemic disease due to cold-evil寒疫

epidemic disease with eruptions温疫发斑

epidemic disease zvith rashes疫疹

epidemic disease with redness and swelling of the cheeks虾蟆瘟

epidemic dropsy流行性水肿

epidemic encephalitis流行性脑炎

epidemic eruptive disease瘟痧

epidemic erythema流行性红斑

epidemic evil factors时行戾气

epidemic febrile disease温病

epidemic febrile disease caused by exopathogen外感温病

epidemic febrile disease occurring immediately after the attack of exopathogen新感温病

epidemic gangrene流行性坏疽

epidemic hemorrhagic fever流行性出血热

epidemic hepatitis流行性肝炎

epidemic influenza流行性感冒

epidemic insanity流行性精神病

epidemic jaundice流行性黄疸

epidemic medicines in curing influenza感冒时令药

epidemic noxious factor戾气

epidemic parotitis流行性腮腺炎

epidemic pathogenic factors疠气

epidemic stomatitis流行性口炎

epidemic vertigo流行性眩晕

puerperal epidemic febrile disease产后病温

seasonal and epidemic pathogenic factors时毒

seasonal epidemic cold时行寒疫

the infection and spreading of epidemic diseases疫疠的传染与流行

the theory concerning the treatment of epidemic febrile温热病学说

vomiting resulted from epidemic disease瘟疫呕吐

All the schools in the city were closed during the epidemic of scarlet fever.在猩红热流行的时候,城内各校均关闭。

The pathogens of an epidemic febrile disease attack the lung first through the mouth and the nose.温热病邪从口鼻而入,首先犯肺。

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