出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第845页(1532字)
Ⅰ n.功,运动,锻炼Ⅱ v.练习,锻炼
breathing exercise气功
breathing exercise therapy气功疗法
do breathing exercises练气功
dorso-e.xtension and ventro-flexion exercise上翘下钩热
eight-length brocade exercise八段锦
exercise one’s lumbus活动腰部
exercises to benefit the internal organs内功
fitness exercises保健运动
internal exercise内功
lack of exercise缺乏锻炼
lying exercises卧功
outside treatment with internal exercise外治内练
physical and breathing exercise导引
physical exercises外功
setting-up exercise健身操
Shaolin external exercise少林外功
Shaolin internal exercise少林内功
spontaneous exercise自发功
still sitting exercises静坐功
the eight-section brocade exercise八段锦
the essential exercise in qigong dirigation练气功的基本功夫
the exercise of the large heavenly circuit of qi大周天功
the exercise of the small heavenly circuit of qi小周天功
the m uscle-bone strengthening exercise易筋经
You don’t exercise enough.你锻炼不够。
You’d better take more exercise.你最好多锻炼。