
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:17:29

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第851页(3635字)


Ⅰ a.外部的,外表的Ⅱ n.(中医)表,外部,外表,表面

a syndrome with heat in the exterior and cold in the interior既表热又里寒之证

between exterior and interior aspects of the human body人体的表里之间

coexistence of exterior and interior symptoms表里同病

cold in both the exterior and interior表里俱寒

disease involving both the exterior and interior表里同病

dispel pathogenic factors from the exterior of the body解表

expel the pathogenic factors from both interiot and exterior of the body表里双解

the exterior and interior表里

exterior cold表寒

exterior cold and interior heat外寒里热

exterior cold syndrome表症

exterior deficiency表虚

exterior deficiency syndrome with sponta neous sweating表虚自汗

exterior disease表病

exterior excess表实

exterior heat and interior cold表热里寒

exterior hot表热

exterior-interior point association表里配穴法

exterior-interior relationship表里关系

exterior-interior relationship of the three yin and three yang channels三阴经与三阳经互为表里的关系

exterior pathogenic cold and dry factors外感凉燥

exterior sthenia syndrome表实证

exterior syndrome表证

exterior syndrome of deficiency表虚证

exterior syndrome of excess表实证

exterior syndrome of febrile disease伤寒表证

exteri′or syndrome of heat表热证

exterior syndrome relieved but interior-syn drome unrelieved表解里未和

exterior wind-cold syndrome风寒表证

exterior wind-heat syndrome风热表证

haif exterior and haif interior syndrome半表半里证

heat in both the exterior and interior表里俱热

heat in the exterior表热

invasion of pathogenic factor from the exterior into the interior表邪内陷

the exterior deficiency and the interior excess表虚里实

the exterior excess and the interior deficiency表实里虚

transmission from the exterior to the interior表里传

The disease is not very serious since pathogenic factors are only on the exterior.病情轻浅,邪犹在表。

The exterior of the human body is yang.体表属阳。

Pathologic changes are located in the exterior.病变在表。

The interior syndrome improves as soon as the exterior syndrome is relieved.表解里自和。

This disease belongs to the exterior syndrome-complex caused by wind and cold.这种病属风寒表证。

The cold belongs to the exterior syndromecomplex caused by wind and heat.这伤风属于风热表证。

Exterior is one of the eight principles to differentiate the location and severity of a disease.表是辨别病位,病势深浅的八纲之一。

The exterior deficiency is a kind of the exterior syndrome.表虚是一种虚性的表证。

The exterior heat is a kind of the exterior syndrome.表热是一种热性的表证。

The exterior syndrome refers to the superficial and mild illness.表证指浅表的轻证。

The exterior pathogen is the pathogen which invades the superficial portion of the body.表邪指侵袭人体浅表部位的邪气。

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