
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:26:00

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第879页(1229字)


Ⅰ a.浮动的,漂浮的,浮的;游离的,不在正常位置的Ⅱ n.漂浮;漂移

floating and rapid pulse脉浮数;浮数脉

floating and scattered pulse脉浮大而散;浮大而散的脉

floating and tense pulse脉浮紧;浮紧脉

floating body浮体

floating kidney浮游肾

floating of weak yang虚阳上浮

floating opacity浮翳内障

floating organism浮游生物

floating pulse浮脉

floating rapid pulse脉象浮数

floating yang浮阳

soft and floating pulse濡脉

Floating pulse will occur when blood vessels are in expanding condition or in a superficial location.血管处于紧张状态或位浅表时,可出现浮脉。

Sweating of exterior syndrome with fever,aversion to wind,floating and slow pulse is classified as exterior deficiency syndrome.表症汗出,发热恶风,脉浮缓,是为表虚症。

The exterior heat syndrome is characterized by higher fever,slight aversion to coldness and floating and rapid pulse.表热症的特点为发热重,恶寒轻,脉浮数。

The floating and deep pulse show abnormal location of the pulse.浮脉与沉脉乃是脉位的异常。

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