
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:32:16

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第896页(1156字)




facial furuncle(或furuncle at the face)面部疖

five kinds of furuncle五疔

furuncles at the chest and back胸背部疔

furuncles at the lower limbs下肢疖

furuncles at the upper limbs上肢疖

furuncles at two angles of lips锁口疔

furuncles in the site between the eyebrows眉心疔

furuncles of the breast乳疖

furuncles of the nose鼻疔(疖)

furuncles of the throat喉疔

furuncles on the external auditory meatus黑疔;生于外耳道的疖肿

furuncles on the face面部疔疮

furuncles or prickly heat痤疿(疮)

“mole cricket” furuncle蝼咕疖

nasal furuncle鼻疖

summer furuncle暑疖

white-head furuncle白刃疖(鼻前庭疖,顶部白色)

Furuncle is one of the commonest inflammatory lesions of the skin.疖是最常见的外科疾病之一。

Summer furuncle occurs in the summer.暑疖发生于暑天。

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