
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:33:53

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第900页(1176字)




cold-evil gathering in the channels寒凝经脉

dryness-evil gathering in the stomach and the intestine燥结;肠胃燥结

gather breath喘过气来

gather fresh长肉;发胖

gather herbs采药

gather sun essence采日精

gather sun essence and moon cream采日精月华

gather the dispersed散者收之

the remedies of gathering essence and qi收摄精气法

The wound is gathering.伤口在化脓。

The invalid is gathering strength.病人的体力渐渐复原了。

Genuine qi gathers at Dantian.真气集中丹田。

Dampness gathers and turns into sputum.湿聚为痰。

Gathering sun essence can replenish yang-qi.采日精能补阳气。

The symptom complex due to dispersion should be treated by the remedies of gathering essence and qi.精气涣散的病症,要用收摄精气的方法治疗。

The symptoms of instability of the pulmonic qi should be treated by the gathering remedies.肺气不固症要用收摄肺气的方法治疗。

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