
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:41:46

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第921页(5798字)




a beastly headache剧烈的头痛

a heavy headache厉害的头痛

anemic headache贫血性头痛

bilious headache偏头痛

blind headaceh偏头痛

cluster headaceh丛集性头痛

common cold with headache感冒头痛

conjestive headache充血性头痛

have a bad headache患重头痛

headache and bodyache头痛身楚

headache and restlessness头痛烦躁

headache and slight fever头痛脑热

headache caused by cold-wetness evil寒湿头痛

The headache is caused by cold-wetness evil.该头痛为寒湿所致。

headache caused by internal damage内伤头痛

The headache is caused by internal damage.该头痛为内伤引起。

headache caused by invasion of pathogenic wind into the meridians风邪袭络所致头痛

The headache is caused by invasion of pathogenic wind into the meridians.该头痛为风邪袭络所致。

headache caused by pathogenic wind风邪头痛

The headache is caused by pathogenic wind.该头痛是风邪引起的。

headache due to abnormal rising of liver-energy肝厥头痛

The headache is due to abnormal rising of liver-energy.这一头痛是肝气上逆所致。

headache due to acute alcoholism伤酒头痛

The headache is caused by(或is due to)acute alcoholism.该头痛是因伤酒所致。

headache due to blood stasis瘀血头痛

The headache is due to(或is caused by)blood stasis.该头痛是因瘀血所致。

headache due to cold厥(脑)逆头痛

headache due to damp-heat pathogen湿热头痛

The headache is caused by(is due to)dampheat pathohen.该头痛为湿热所致。

headache due to deficiency of the blood血虚头痛

The headache is caused by(is due to)deficiency of the blood.该头痛为血虚所致。

headache due to deficiency of both qi and the blood气血两亏所致头痛

The headache is caused by(is due to)deficiency of both qi and the blood.该头痛是气血两亏所致。

headache due to deficiency of vital energy气虚头痛

The headache is due to deficiency of vital energy.该头痛为气虚头痛。

headache due to disorder of the kidney肾厥头痛

The headache is due to disorder of the kidney.该头痛是肾厥所致。

headache due to exuberance of yang of the liver肝阳炽盛而头痛

headache due to exopathy外感头痛

The headache is due to(或is caused by)exopathy.此乃外感头痛。

headache due to hyperactivity of th e liver yang肝阳上亢所致头痛

The headache is due to hyperactivity of the liver yang.此头痛为肝阳上亢所致。

headache due to improper diet伤食头痛

headache due to internal damage of vital energy内伤头痛

headache due to internal injury内伤头痛

headache due to pathogenic fire上火头痛

headache due to pathogenic summer-heat and dampness暑湿头痛

Pathogenic summer-heat and dampness can cause headache.暑热能引起头痛。

headache due to wind-cold pathogen风寒头痛

Wind-cold pathogen is liable to cause headache.风寒易引起头痛。

headache due to pathogenic wind-dampness风湿头痛

Headache is liable to occur by pathogenic wind-dampness.风湿易引起头痛。

headache due to pathogenic wind-heat风热头痛

Pathogenic wind-heat is liable to cause headache.风热易引起头痛。

headache due to phlegm-dampness痰湿头痛

Phlegm-dampness can cause headache.痰湿能引起头痛。

headache due to phlegm-fire痰火头痛

headache due to upward adverse flow of the liver-qi肝厥头痛

headache due to wetness-heat evil湿热头痛

headache due to wind and heat风热头痛

headache due to yin deficiency阴虚头痛

headache pill头痛丸

headache powder头痛粉

headache of the Yangming Meridians阳明头痛

Jueyin headache厥阴头痛(头顶痛)

migraine headache偏头痛

mild headache轻度头痛

muscular contraction headache肌缩性头痛

occipital headache枕骨痛;后头痛

occipitocervical headache枕后痛

one-sided headache偏头痛

parietal headache巅顶痛

postpartum headache产后头痛

Shaoyang headache少阳头痛

Shaoyin headache少阴头痛

sincipital headache前头痛

sick headache偏头痛;呕吐性头痛

slight headache头微痛

sudden headache突发性头痛

suffer from headache患头痛

Taiyang headache太阳头痛

Taiyin headache太阴头痛

terrible headache剧烈的头痛

theliver-yang headache肝阳头痛

treat headache of all kinds治各类头痛

true headache真头痛

unendurable headache真头痛

Yangming headache阳明头痛

I have a generalized headache.我整个头痛。

I have a occipital headache.我后头痛。

I have a vertical headache.我头顶痛。

Your headache is caused by blood stasis.你的头痛是瘀血所致。
