
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:58:27

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第968页(1902字)




insomnia accompanied by dizziness伴有头昏的失眠

cure amnesia and insomnia治健忘失眠

insornnia accompanied with a feverish sensation烦热失眠

insomnia and dreaminess失眠多梦

insomnia and unsound slumber少寐易醒

insomnia caused by depression which leads to flamming up of liver yang情志抑郁导致肝阳上扰的失眠

insomnia caused by internal injury内伤不得眠

insomnia caused by terror惊恐失眠

insomnia due to asthenia of the gallbladder胆虚不得眠

insomnia due to exopathy外感不得眠

insomnia due to insufficiency of the gallbladder-qi胆虚不得眠

insomnia due to restlessness虚烦不寐

insomnia due to vexation虚烦不得眠

insomnia with abundant sputum expectoration失眠兼见痰多

insomnia with easiness to be woken睡而易醒

insomnia with restlessness卧不安

palpitation and insomnia心悸失眠

presence of insomnia彻夜难眠

the symptom of insomnia失眠症

treat insomnia治疗夜寝不眠;安眠

Insomnia is seen in many syndromes.失眠可见于多种病症中。

The person suffering from insomnia feels difficult to fall asleep or to sleep soundly.失眠患者难以入睡或难以深睡.

The patient is mainly with insomnia accompanied with palpitation and irritability.病人主要症状失眠,伴有心悸、心烦.

Your trouble is insomnia caused by deficiency of the heart-blood and breakdown of the coordination between the heart and kidney,你的病乃是心血不足、心肾不交引起的失眠.

This kind of insomnia and amnesia usually come from deficiency of the kidney-yin.此种失眠、健忘,是由肾阴不足所致.
