出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第984页(4399字)
aching pain of the hip joint髋关节酸痛
bleeder’s joint血友痛性关节出血
compound joint复合关节
deformity of the joint骨质变形
dislocation of the shoulder joint肩骱落下
dry joint干关节
ease a joint movement通利关节
false joint假关节
freely movable joint自由动关节
hysteric joint癔病性关节病
joint dislocation关节脱位
joint lubricating滑利关节
joint movement关节屈伸
joint needling关刺
limitation of abduction of the hip joint髋关节外展受限
markedly swollen and intensely tender in the right elbow joint右肘关节明显肿压痛
no limitation of movement in any joint各关节运动无限制
out of joint脱臼的;脱节的;不协调的
pain in the hip joint髋关节痛
pain in the knee joint膝关节痛
pain in the shoulder joint肩关节痛
reduce joint dislocation关节脱位整复
relax the muscles and the joints舒筋
retarded flexion and extension of the joints关节屈伸不利
sluggishness of joint movement屈伸不利
socket joint of tooth齿槽钉合
soreness of the limbs and joints肢节疼痛
sounding of the joints骨节作响
stimulate the circulation of the blood and cause the muscles and the joints to relax舒筋活络
the ankle joint踝关节
the ball and socket joint杵臼关节
the basic joints of extremities手或趾的基节
the biaxial joint两轴关节
the bilocular joint双腔关节
the carpal joint(wrist joint)腕关节
the eight joints八溪
the elbow joint肘关节
the fibrous joint纤维性关节
the finger joint指关节
the flail joint连枷关节
the gliding joint滑动关节
the hip joint股关节;髋关节
the immovable joint不动关节;纤维性关节
the intercarpal joint髋骨间关节
the irritable joint能感性关节
the joint capsule关节囊
the joints of the human body百节
the knee joint膝关节
the large joint大节
the locked joint闭锁关节
the maxillary joint牙关
the midcarlpal joint中腕骨关节
the midcarlpal joint混合关节
the multiaxial joint多轴关节
the open joint开放性关节
the pivot joint躯轴关节
the saddle jount鞍状关节
the scapulicular joint肩胛锁骨关节
the shoulder joint肩关节
the simple joint单纯关节
the spheroidal limbs and joints球形关节
the spiral joint螺旋关节
the stiff joints不灵活的关节
the through joint动关节;滑膜关节
the twelve joints十二节
the uniaxial joint单轴关节
the unilocular joint单腔关节
the wrist joint腕关节
tuberculosis of bones and joints骨痨
In wind arthralgia the pain in the joints of the limbs is wandering.患风痹病症,其关节疼痛呈游走性。
Getting old,the man’s joints are stiff.人老了,关节也强直了。
The normal blood makes the joints well lubricated.血和则关节清利。
Large joints mean the large joints in the human body or the first joints of a finger or a toe.大节意指人体的大关节或是手指与趾的第一节。
The twelve joints refer to the large joints of the four limbs.十二节指四肢的大关节。
The twelve joints include the shoulder,the elbow,and the wrist joints of the upper limbs,the hip and the ankle joints of the lower limbs.十二节指包括上肢的肩、肘、腕和下肢的髋、踝关节。
Wandering and shifting pain of the joints is regarded as migratory arthralgia.关节游走性疼痛者为行痹。