
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:03:57

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第983页(1771字)


Ⅰ n.黄疸Ⅱ v.使患黄疸病

acute jaundice急黄

alcoholic jaundice酒黄疸

black jaundice黑色黄疸;新生儿黄疸

blackish jaundice黑疸

blue jaundice青紫色黄疸;发绀

cure jaundice退黄

emotional jaundice情绪性黄疸

fetal jaundice胎黄(疸)

fulminant jaundice瘟黄

grain jaundice谷黄

infectious jaundice瘟黄;传染性肝炎

jaundice due to accumulation of stagnant blood蓄血发黄

jaundice due to damp-heat湿热黄疸

jaundice due to damp-heat pathogen湿热黄疸

jaundice due to fright胆黄

jaundice related to sexual indulgence女劳疸

jaundice with icteric tinge of sweat,saliva,nasal discharge,etc.

latent jaundice潜伏性黄疸;隐性黄疸

malignant jaundice恶性黄疸;急性黄色肝萎缩

patient suffering from frequent relapses of jaundice黄家

retention jaundice潴留性黄疸

the five types of jaundice五疸

the yang jaundice and the yin jaundice.阳黄和阴黄

Slow pulse may occur to obstructive jaundice.梗阻性黄疸可出现迟脉。

The iaundice occurs with full sensation,red tongue with yellowish and greasy fur,taut and slippery pulse.此种黄疸出现,兼见舌红,苔黄腻,脉弦滑。

The tablet has stable efficacy in treating hepatitis with jaundice.该片剂疗效确切,主治黄疸性肝炎。

This kind of jaundice is caused by stagnation of dampness and heat in the liver and the gallbladder.此种黄疸多为肝胆湿热蕴结所致。

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