
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:12:01

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1006页(3074字)


Ⅰ n.肢,手足Ⅱ v.给…截肢

abdominal pain with cold limbs厥疝

aching pain of the lower limbs下肢酸痛

amputate a limb切去一肢

atrophy and disability of the lower limbs下肢萎废

break a limb断一肢

channels of the torso and limbs身体各部位经脉

chillness and cold limbs形寒肢冷

cold clammy limbs四肢湿冷

cold limb手足厥冷;手足厥逆;手足不温;四肢发冷

cold limbs due to excess of heat热厥

cold on the lower limbs下肢冷麻

cramp of the limbs四肢抽搐

debility of the limbs四肢不用

dropsical limbs肢体浮肿

edema of the limbs四肢水肿

eruptive disease with spasm of the lower limbs抽筋痧

erysipelas at the lower limbs腿游风

extend the limbs伸展肢体

fever and hot limbs身热肢暖

flaccidity and numbness of the lower limbs下肢痿痹麻木

flaccidity of the lower limbs下肢痿痹

flaccidity of the lower limbs caused by wetness-phlegm湿痰脚气

four limbs四维(四桎);四肢

heaviness in otie’s lower limbs下肢沉重

heavy sensation in the limbs and body肢体困重

inability to raise the limbs四肢不举

injured limb患肢

intolerance of cold and cold limbs畏寒肢冷

involuntary movement of the limbs手足蠕动

lassitude of the limbs四肢疲倦

lose a limb失去一肢

lower limbs qigong下肢功

medial aspects of the four limbs四肢的内侧

movement of the upper limb上肢运动

numbness of the limbs肢体麻木

phantom limb幻肢

precordial pain with cold limbs厥心痛

rigidity of the limbs肢体强直

severe edema of the lower limbs脆脚

soreness of the limbs and joints肢节疼痛

spasm of the limbs四肢拘挛

the harmonious and slow movements of the limbs and trunk协调而缓慢的肢体运动

the limbs and trunk肢体

the limbs of one side一侧肢体

the lower limbs下肢

the posterior aspect of the upper limbs手臂外侧

the upper limb上肢;手臂

thin limb四肢消瘦

tic of the limbs四肢抽搐

He lost a limb in the battle.他在战争中失去一肢。

Spermatorrhea with intolerance of coldness and cold limbs is the symptom of insufficiency of the kidney-yang.遗精兼畏寒肢冷是肾阳虚症状。

The limbs feel heavy and sluggish.四肢觉重滞。

The four limbs are too weak and flaccid to move voluntarily.四肢无力,不能运动。

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