
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:12:22

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1007页(1436字)


Ⅰ n.①线,路线②皮肤上的条纹,掌纹③行列④血统,家系,门第⑤方针,路线Ⅱ v.划线;使起皱纹;排队

abdominal line腹线

anterior hair line前发际

blood line血统

come into line排齐

fracture line骨折线

hair line发际

in line with符合;和…一致

in line with the different accompanying symptoms根据不同兼证

line of sight视线

line out划线标明

lines of the hand手纹

lower lung line肺下界线

mammary line乳头间线

mammillary line乳线

median line正中线;中线

midspinal line脊柱中线

midsternal line胸骨中线

nipple line乳线

parasternal line胸骨旁线

radial bone fracture line桡骨骨折线

scapular line肩胛线

the anterior hair line前发际

the fracture line骨折线

the line of the pain疼的走线

the posterior hair line后发际

the sensitive line敏感线

the symmetric line in the region of fracture骨折部对线

ulnar bone fracture line尺骨骨折线

The line of the pain runs down.这条疼线向下走。
