
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:15:28

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1016页(2194字)




accurate location of the points取穴准确

correct location of points正确取穴

location of acupoints腧穴定位

location of anteriorly and posteriorly related points前后配穴法

location of distant points远部取穴

location of externally and internally related points表里配穴法

location of left and right points左右配穴法

location of local points近部取穴

location of points取穴

location of points from the diseased meridian本经配穴法

location of superior and inferior points of the body上下配穴法

location of symptomatic points随证取穴

location of the illness病的部位

location of the pulse脉位

location of zang-fu脏腑部位

spot the location and judge the nature of pathological changes判断病变的部位、性质

the accuracy of locations of acupoints腧穴定位准确

the location of a disease病的部位

the location of the lesion病位

the locations of diseases and pains病痛部位

Accurate location of the points may make

needling sensation appear.取穴准确易得气。

Diseases are classified as exterior and interior according to their locations.病位有表里之分。

Short pulse is taken at guan location but obscure at cun and chi location.短脉仅在关部脉搏动较明显,寸、尺二部常模糊不清。

Signs and symptoms vary with different locations of the pathogenic factors.病邪部位不同,表现症状也不尽相同。

The location of the pulse is abnormal.脉位异常。

In TCM,some names of diseases are termed according to their locations.中医许多病名以病位命名。

The lower Dantian is the location where the male store the reproductive essence and the female nourish the fetus.下丹田是男子藏精女子养胎的地方。

Location is divided into wind pass,qi pass and life pass.部位分为风、气、命三关。

上一篇:localize 下一篇:lochia