
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:17:21

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1021页(2369字)


Ⅰ a.下部的,较低的Ⅱ v.降低,减低,减弱

debilitated diseases in the lower part involving the upper下损及上

Debilitaed diseases in the lower part involve the upper.下损及上。

diabetes involving the lower warmer下消

distention of the lower abdomen in female

flatulence in the lower abdomen下腹胀气

lower abdominal distension小腹胀满

lower abdominal pain and distension小腹胀痛

lower back pain腰脊痛

lower confluent point下合穴

lower deficiency下虚

lower emaciation下消

lower excess下实

lower extremities下肢

lower fever after delivery产后低热

lower he(sea)point下合穴

lowering function肃降功能

lower jaw pain下颌痛

lower one’s voice放低声音

lower orifice下窍

lower part of the gastric cavity下脘

lower stream下泉

lower the adverse flow of qi降逆

lower the blood pressure降血压

lower the evil fire降火

lower world阴间;黄泉

muscular atrophy,numbness,flaccidity and pain of the lower extremities下肢痿痹

the lower abdomen小腹;少腹

the Lower Elixir Field下丹田

the lower jaw下颌骨

the lower warmer下焦

the upper effecting the lower上损及下

The upper effects the lower.上损及下。

treat the disease in lower portion by manag

ing the upper portion下病上取

The disease in lower portion is treated by managing the upper portion.下病上取。

A cold had lowered his resistance.伤风已削弱了他的抵抗力。

Lower orifices denote the urethral opening, vaginal orifice,and anus.下窍指人体下部的尿道口、阴道口和肛门。

The lower elixir field refers to the region below the umbilicus.下丹田指脐下部位。

Practising qigong dirigation,the will is focused to the Lower Elixir Field.练气功,意守下丹田。

上一篇:low 下一篇:lotus