
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:20:55

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1034页(3553字)




chronic infantile malnutrition慢疳

cold type and heat type malnutrition冷热疳

cold type malnutrition冷疳

eye trouble due to malnutrition in children小儿疳眼

five kinds of infantile malnutrition五(脏)疳

flaccidity due to malnutrition of the muscles筋痿

heart malnutrition in infant心疳

heat-type malnutrition热疳;肥热疳

infantile malnutrition疳;疳疾;小儿营养不良

infantile malnutrition accompanied with thirst疳渴

infantile malnutrition complicated by convulsive seizures惊疳

infantile malnutrition complicated by dysen try疳痢

infantile malnutrition complicated by tuberculosis疳痨

infantile malnutrition due to excessive feeding丁奚疳

infantile malnutrition due to heat of the kidney channel肾疳

infantile malnutrition due to pathogenic heat involving the lung channel肺(气)疳

infantile malnutrition due to the disorder of the digestive tract脾疳

infantile malnutrition with diarrhea疳泻

infantile malnutrition with fever疳热

infantile malnutrition with the kidney syndrome肾疳

kidney malnutrition in infant肾疳

lung malnutrition in infant肺疳

malnutrition caused by heat-evil attacking the liver channel筋疳

malnutrition due to ascariasis蛔疳

malnutrition due to improper feeding食疳

malnutrition due to parasitic infestation虫积

malnutrition of channels(meridians)经络失养

malnutrition of children疳;疳积;小儿营养不良

malnutrition of children due to improper diet甘疳

malnutrition of the five zang-organs五脏不荣

malnutrition of the head and eyes due to deficiency of the liver blood肝血不足而头目失养

malnutrition of the tendons and channels due to deficiency of the liver blood肝血不足的筋脉失养

malnutrition of the organs器官失养

malnutrition of the viscera脏腑失养;脏腑不荣

malnutrition with jdundice due to indigestion and overfatigue食劳疳黄

malnutrition with protrusion of the spine脊疳

severe infantile malnutrition小儿严重营养不良

severe infantile malnutrition due to excessive feeding哺露疳

treat infantile malnutrition with fever除疳热

A thin and small tongue is caused by malnutrition of the tongue body.瘦小舌,是舌体不得充养所致。

Blood deficiency causes the malnutrition of the skin,dryness and upstirring of wind.血虚导致生风化燥,肌肤失养。

Heart malnutrition in infant is a syndrome of malnutrition in children caused by accumulation of heat in the heart channel.小儿心疳,是心经郁热产生的小儿营养不良症。

Improper food can cause malnutrition.饮食不当可引起营养不足。

Malnutrition of children is manifested by sallowness,emaciation,insomnia,etc..小儿疳积,症见营养不良、面黄肌瘦、夜寐不安等症。

Malnutrition of the tongue or obstruction of phlegm in the channels of the tongue may cause numbness of the tongue.舌体失养,或痰阻舌络可引起舌麻。
