
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:22:28

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1040页(2732字)




abdominal mass积聚;癥瘕

abdominal mass due to stagnation of qi气积

abdominal mass due to stagnation of the vital energy气积

abdominal mass which subsides spontaneously瘕积

be a mass of…遍布着…;遍体是…

cardiac mass伏梁

detoxicate and resolve a mass解毒散结

disintegrate masses消痞

dissolve the mass散结

head masses caused by evil wind雷头风

indurated mass between the waist and hip中石疽

indurated mass in the uterus石瘕

mass at the right hypochondrium(at the spleen)痞气

mass due to accumulation of pathogenic factors in the viscera脏结

mass effect of the treatment总的疗效

mass in the abdomen癥积

mass in the breast乳痰;乳栗

mass in the large intestine伏瘕(古病名)

mass located in the upper or lower abdomen伏梁

mass of the hypochondriac region脏结

pill mass(pilular mass)丸块

qi mass气积

relieve distension and fullness消痞

resolve masses散结

resolve mass and swelling攻坚散结

rope-like mass in the abdomen hypochondria痃

soften and resolve hard masses软坚散结

soften hard masses软坚

soften hard masses and relieve sorethroat软坚利咽

solid mass硬块

solid mass in the abdomen腹中硬块

strong mass石疽

strong uterine mass石瘕

substantial masses肿块

swollen masses goiter甲状腺肿大

tigroid masses斑(小体)

upper strong mass behind the ear上石疽

various masses in the abdomen各种癥瘕积聚

ventrolateral mass腹外侧块(胚胎)

watery diarrhea with fecal mass固瘕

An abdominal mass is brought about by stagnation of qi and the blood in most cases.积聚多是由气滞血瘀所致。

He is a mass of bruises.他遍体鳞伤。

Mass in the breast is a chronic inflammation of a woman’s breast.乳核是妇女乳房的一种慢性炎症。

Phlegmatic mass is a pathogenic mass under the tongue.痰包指生在舌下的一种病性包块。

Swelling and masses should be treated with the dissipating remedies.肿块应用消散法去治。

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