
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:31:13

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1071页(1102字)




appearance of the superficial veins extending through the three passes toward the finger nail透关射甲

cyanosis of the lips and nail唇甲青灰

double-edge nails双缘甲

finger nail指甲

fracture nail骨折钉

malnutrition of the nails爪甲失养

malnutrition of the nails due to deficiency of the liver blood肝血不足引起的爪甲失养

nail biting咬指甲

nail brush指甲刷

nail clippers指甲刀

pale nails爪甲不荣

ruddy and hard nails红润、坚韧的指甲

spoon nail匙形甲;匙状甲

turtle-back nail龟背甲

toe nail趾甲

withered,soft,thin or hollow and deformed nails枯槁、软薄或凹陷变形的爪甲

TCM believes that the nails and tendons have the same source of nutrients.中医认为爪甲与筋营养来源相同。

The nail is the surplus of the tendon.爪为筋之余。

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