
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:34:09

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1081页(4447字)




nourishing foods补品

nourishing substances补品

nourish kidney yin and relieve mental stress滋阴补肾宁心安神

nourish the blood养血

nourish the blood and stop bleeding养血止血

nourish the blood to expel wind养血祛风

nourish the blood to restore normal menstruation养血通经

nourish the blood to stop wind养血熄风

nourish the body补养身体

nourish the bone养骨

nourish the brain健脑

nourish the essense and blood益精养血

nourish the essense qi补益精气

nourish the fetus养胎

nourish the heart养心

nourish the heart and the kidney养心益肾

nourish the heart to calm the mind养心安神

nourish the kidney补肾

nourish the kidney and lumbus补肾壮腰

nourish the kidney and regulate qi to correct fetal position益肾调气正胎

nourish the kidney and strengthen the essence补肾益精

nourish the kidney essense补肾益精

nourish the kidney for restoring hearing function补肾聪耳

nourish the kidney yin滋补肾阴

nourish the liver养肝

nourish the liver,the spleen and the kidney补益肝脾肾

nourish the liver to improve visual activity养肝明目

nourish the liver yin补益肝阴

nourish the lung and the kidney养肺滋肾

nourish the marrow and essence益髓添精

nourish the middle-warmer滋养补中

nourish the muscle and tendon养筋

nourish the primary qi补元气

nourish the spleen and stomach健脾胃

nourish the spleen and stomach and disperse the pathogenic damp健运脾胃而化湿

nourish the stomach养胃

nourish the tendon and bone濡养筋骨

nourish the viscera荣养脏腑;荣灌脏腑

nourish the vital energy补气

nourish the yin with sour and sweet酸甘化阴

nourish yin滋阴;育阴

nourish yin and clear lung-heat养阴清肺

nourish yin and diaphoresis用滋阴解表法

nourish yin and excrete damp滋阴利湿

nourish yin and extinguish fire滋阴降火

nourish yin and moisturize the lung滋阴润肺

nourish yin and promote excretion of dampness滋阴利湿

nourish yin and relieve superficies syndrome养阴解表

nourish yin and stop bleeding养阴止血

nourish yin and supplement the kidney养阴补肾

nourish yin and suppress the excessive yang育阴潜阳

nourish yin and the heart,calm the mind and relieve palpitation安神定悸,育阴养心

nourish yin,clear away heat and relieve cough滋阴、清热、止咳

nourish yin,restore the vital energy,harmonize the stomach and relieve the pain滋阴补气,养胃止痛

nourish yin to calm the wind滋阴熄风

nourish yin to clear away the lung-heat养阴清肺

nourish yin to increase the body fluid滋阴增津

nourish yin to moisten dryness滋阴润燥

nourish yin to promote diuresis滋阴利水

nourish yin to reduce pathogenic fire滋阴降火

nourish yin together with relieving the exterior symptom complex养阴解表

the school of nourishing the earth补土派

the school of nourishing the essence养阴派

tranquilize the mind by nourishing the heart养心安神

think normally to nourish the mentality正思虑以养神

yin-nourishing and blood-tonifying drugs滋阴养血药

Nourishing the essence and purging the fire should be the chief measures taken in treating diseases.治疗疾病应以养阴降火为主。

Spring and Summer nourish yang,Autumn and winter nourish yin.春夏养阳,秋冬养阴。

The zang-fu organs fail to be nourished.脏腑失养。

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