更新时间:2018-09-16 22:39:00
出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1092页(1191字)
be decocted into soft extract for oral use熬膏服
be decocted in water for oral dose水煎服
be made into powder for oral use制成散剂服用
erosion of mucous membrane of the oral cavity口腔粘膜糜烂
for oral dose口服用
for oral use口服用
oral administration口服
oral cavity口腔
oral desquamation口腔脱屑
oral diaphragm口膈
oral dosage内服量
oral liquid口服液
oral liquid for youth recovery青春宝口服液
oral liquid of cordyceps冬虫夏草口服液
oral liquid of ginseng and acanthopanax(人参,五加参)两参精
oral liquid of ginseng and royal jelly人参蜂皇浆
oral liquid of ginseng tonic人参精
oral muscles口腔肌肉
oral sore口疳
oral surgery口腔外科
ulceration of oral cavity口腔溃病
weakness of oral muscles咀嚼无力