出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1109页(1476字)
affection of the facial orifices by pathogens邪害空窍
avoid contacting epidemic pathogens避其毒气
dry pathogen燥邪
external pathogens外邪
fire-heat pathogens火热之邪
headache due to wind-cold pathogen风寒头痛
invasion of the interior of the body by pathogen(s)邪气内陷
malaria pathogen疟邪
malignant pathogens病邪重;重病邪
mild pathogens病邪轻;轻病邪
moist-heat pathogen湿热之邪
pathogen of low noxiousness微邪
pathogens attacking the heart邪气攻心;毒气攻心
peculiar pathogen奇邪
seasonal pathogens时邪
summer-heat pathogen暑热邪气
virulent heat pathogen温毒
warm and heat pathogen温热之邪
wind-cold pathogen风寒之邪
wind pathogen风邪
yang pathogens阳邪
The pathogens attack tle heart.邪气攻心。
Your problem is that pathogens are latent in the interior,thus the vascular qi obstructed.你的病由为邪气内伏,脉气不能宣通。
Deficiency and excess are two principles to differentiate the prosperity or decline of pathogens and the vital-qi.虚实是辨别病体邪正盛衰的两纲。