
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:52:59

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1132页(8187字)




acupuncture point针灸穴位

acupuncture point of the collateral channels络穴

a form of point association一种配穴法

auricular points耳穴

back-shu points背腧穴

bilateral point pairing左右配穴法

certain points on the nose鼻部特定穴位

chain association of points链锁配穴法

collateral point of spleen channel公孙穴

central mansion point中府穴

converging points会穴

correct location of points正确取穴

corresponding channel point selection循经取穴

crossing points交会穴

distal point远端穴位

double points双穴

each point in each part of the body各部穴位

eight confluence points八脉交会

eight confluent points八脉交会穴

eight influential points八会穴

extra-channel points经外奇穴

extra-ordinary points经外奇穴

extra points经外穴

eye point目点

five shu point五腧穴

front-Mu points募穴

good-conductive point良导点

great rush point太冲穴

heart point心点


hundred convergence point百会穴

Illustrated Manual on Points for Acupuncture and Moxibustion Shown on a Bronze Figure《铜人腧穴针灸图经》

important points for tonification保健要穴

indefinite point不定穴

indication of acupuncture points腧穴主治

individual points单穴

influential point of fu-organs腑会

inner pass point内关穴

kidney point肾点

liver point肝点

locate points定穴;取穴;审定穴位

location of points取穴

Lou-connecting point络穴

lower He-(Sea)points下合穴

lung point肺点

main point主穴

master point主穴

meridian point经穴

motor point运动点

mouth point口点

nearby point selection邻近选穴法

needling certain points针刺某些腧穴

non-fixed points阿是穴

1~2 points in a session每次1~2穴

occiput point枕点

penetrated points透穴

point characteristic腧穴位置的特点

point injection穴位注射

point penetration method透穴法

point prescription配穴法

point pressing按压穴位

points commonly used常用腧穴

points for attention注意事项

points of Du Meridian督脉穴

points of Ren Meridian任脉穴

points of the back背部穴

points of the Bladder Meridian of FootTaiyang足太阳膀胱经穴

points of the chest and abdomen胸腹部穴

points of the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang足少阳胆经穴

points of the head and neck头颈部穴

points of the Heart Meridian of HandShaoyin手少阴心经穴

points of the Kidney Meridian of FootShaoyin足少阴肾经穴

points of the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming手阳明大肠经穴

points of the Liver Meridian of Foot-Juejin足厥阴肝经穴

points of the lower extremities下肢穴

points of the Lung Meridian of HandTaiyin手太阴肺经穴

points of the Pericardium Meridia n of Hand-Jueyin手厥阴心包经穴

points of the Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang手太阳小肠经穴

points of the Spleen Meridian of FootTaiyin足太阴脾经穴

poinst of the Stomach Meridian of FootYangming足阳明胃经穴

points of the Triple-Warmer Meridian of Hand-Shaoyang手少阳三焦经穴

points of the upper extremities上肢穴

points on regular channels经穴

pressure pain point压痛点

prick the point点刺

prick the point to cause bleeding点刺放血

promote the movement of the channel qi to

reach the point激发经气以促进气至

puncture the points around the joint渊刺

puncture the point shallowly and repeatedly to cause bleeding赞刺

puncture the point with heated needle燔针法

qi-assembling point气会

random point随机点;任意点

reaction point反应点

selection of local points局部取穴

selection of points选穴

selection of remote points远道取穴

select points along the pathway of channel循经取穴

sensitive point敏感点

shenmen point神门点

silver spike point therapy穴位表面锥形银电疗法

sixteen cleft points十六穴位

specific point特定穴

spinal column point脊柱穴

spleen point脾点

stimulate certain points刺激穴位

stimulation point刺激点

the basis of locating points审定穴位的依据

the choice of the points取穴

the combination of points配穴

the converging points会穴

the crossing points of the Ren Channel and the Stomach Channel of Foot Yangming任脉与足阳明胃经交会穴

the dosage of point injection穴位注射剂量

the five kinds of points五种穴位

the key acupuncture points主要针刺穴位

the Jing(Well)points井穴

the method of locating points审定穴位的方法

the point of needle针尖

the points around the orbit眼眶周围穴位

the points of the fourteen channels十四经腧穴

the theories of meridian and point人体经络和腧穴的理论

the Xi-(Cleft)points郄穴

the Ying(Spring)points荥穴

the Yuan-(Primary)points原穴

twelve well-points十二井穴

uterus point子宫点

vital point生命点

Acupuncture points are the special responsive spots of channels,qi and blood on the body surface.穴位是经络、气血在体表的特殊反应点。

Accurate location of the points may make needling sensation appear.取穴准确易得气。

Acupuncture on this point is contraindicated in pregnant women.该穴孕妇禁针。

The converging points refer to an abbreviation for the“Eight Hui Points”.会穴是八会穴的简称。

The converging points refer to the site where two or more channels converse.会穴指两条或两条以上经络相交会的部位。

The needle is inserted on the skin at an acupuncture point.针在体表穴位上刺入。

The patient has soreness,numbness,a distention feeling or heaviness around the point.患者有酸、麻、胀、重的感觉。

The tender point can be found out by pressing.通过揉压找到压痛点的穴位。

The Ashi point is utilized as the acupunture point for treatment.阿是穴是在有病痛处取穴。

The choice of the points should be made according to the differential diagnosis.要辨证取穴。

Each part of the body has its corresponding points on the ear.身体各部在耳朵上都有相应的穴位。

The fifteen large collateral channels connected with the corresponding regular channel.十五条大络,与经脉相应穴位相联。

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