
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 23:01:03

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1156页(4800字)




promote and regulate qi of the three yang meridians通调三阳经脉之经气

promote blood circulation活血

promote blood circulation and cool the blood散血凉血

promote blood circulation and resolve masses活血散结

promote blood circulatoin by expelling blood stasis and also regulate qi and relieve the pain活血去瘀,行气止痛

promote blood circulation to dispel blood stasis活血化瘀

promote blood circulation to remove obstruction in the channels活血通络

promote blood circulation to remove stagnancy活血消积

promote blood circulation to stop pain活血止痛

promote digestion消食

promote digestion and absorption促进消化吸收

promote digestion,dispel food stagnation andstop vomiting消积导滞,和胃止吐

promote digestion,dispel the stagnated food,regulate the stomach and relieve the pain消积导滞,和胃止痛

promote diuresis利尿;通癃闭

promote diuresis and pus discharge利尿排脓

promote diuresis with drugs of bland flavour淡渗利湿

promote eruption透疹

promote eruption and vesiculation表疹发疱

promote granulation生肌

promote health增进健康

promote lactation催乳;催奶

promote metabolism改善新陈代谢

promote mental health调养精神

promote qi,disperse stagnation and relax the bowel顺气导滞通便

promote recuperation from diseases促进人体疾病康复

promote resuscitation开窍;醒神

promote salivation生津

promote skin eruption透疹

promote sweating发汗

promote sweating to expel the exogenous evils from the body surface解表

promote the circulation of meridian and benefit the nose通经利窍

promote the circulation of qi行气

promote the circulation of qi and blood directly直接推动气血运行

promote the circulation of qi and blood in the knee通利膝部气血

promote the circulation of qi and remove obstruction in the collateral行气通络

promote the circulation of qi and relieve pain行气止痛

promote the circulation of qi to alleviate the stagnation in the middle-warmer行气宽中

promote the circulation of qi to induce diuresis行气利水

promote the circulation of qi to remove dampness行气燥湿

promote the circulation of water利水

promote the dispersingfunction of the lung宣肺

promote the digestive function of the stomach and intestines促进胃肠消化功能

promote the facial blood circulation促使面部血液循环

promote the flow of qi化气

promote the functional activities of qi通气机

promote the movement of the channel qi to reach the point激发经气,促进气至

promote the nimbleness of the joints促进关节滑利

promote the peristaltic function of the stomach促进胃的蠕动

promote the production of the body fluid生津

promote the production of the body fluid to relax the bowels增液润下

promote the qi-blood circulation疏通气血

promote the reflux of the blood in the stasis使瘀血回流

promote the rehabilitation of the human body促进人体康复

promote the smooth circulation of the blood活血

promote the subsidence of swelling消肿

promote urination利尿;开闭利尿

promote vision明目

promote yang-qi升提阳气

promote the flow of qi调气

promote the function of gallbladder利胆

promote the production of the body fluid with drugs of salty flavor and cold property咸寒增液

reinforce yang to promote the flow of qi助阳化气

relieve flatulence by promoting circulation of qi行气消胀

the promoting and inhibiting relationships of the viscera脏腑生克关系

tranquilize the mind and promote mentality宁神益智

warm and promote blood circulation温通血脉

Qi-promoting method is a manipulation employed in acupuncture to direct the transmission of needling sensation.行气法是一种针刺手法,用之能使针感朝一定方向传导。

上一篇:prominent 下一篇:promotion