出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1176页(1376字)
compound pustule复合脓疱
interdigital pustule足丫疔
lingual pustule舌疔
malignant pustule皮肤炭疽
palmar pustule托盘疱(疔)
postmortem pustule尸毒性脓疱
primary pustule原发脓疱
pustule at the articular part of the finger螺疔
pustule at the part between the first and second metacarpals丫刺毒
pustule at the whorl of the finger tip螺(纹)疔
pustule from smallpox vaccination飞痘
pustule in the external auditory meatus肾疔
pustule in the part between the thumb and the index finger虎口疔(疽);虎口毒
pustule in the web between the first and second metacarpals丫刺毒
pustule of soybean size黄豆大的小脓疱
pustule on the face面疔
pustule of the finger tip蛇头疔
pustule on the foot足疔
pustule on the palm擎疽
pustule on the Renzhong point人中疔
pustule on the sole足底疗
secondary pustule继发脓疱
simple pustule单纯脓疱
smallpox pustule痘疱