
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 23:12:29

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1188页(1989字)




composition of recipe处方的组成

compound recipe复方处方

cultivate the old recipes挖掘古方

diaphoretic recipe汗剂

double recipe重方

dysmenorrhea recipe痛经方

folk recipe(民间)土方

have a unique recipe处方独特

local recipe(地方)土方

mediating recipe和剂

metrorrhagia recipe血崩方

old recipe古方

pharmacopoeia recipes古典成方

proved recipe验方

pungent and cool recipes for relieving exte

rior syndrome辛凉解表剂

pungent and warm recipes for relieving exterior syndrome辛温解表剂

recipes for clearing away heat and toxicant清热解毒剂

recipes for clearing away heat from both the qi and the blood systems气血两清剂

recipes for clearing away heat from the qi system清气分热剂

recipes for clearing away summer-heat and replenishing qi清暑益气剂

recipes for eliminating retained fluid逐水剂

recipes for removing heat from the ying and blood systems清营凉血剂

recipes for resolving lumps散结方

recipes for strengthening the body resistance and relieving exterior syndrome扶正解表剂

recipes of decoction汤头

secret folk recipe that has been used for generations民间祖传秘方

secret recipe禁方;秘方

simple recipe单方

the original recipe原方

traditional Chinese recipe传统古方

unique recipe独特处方

well-established recipes民间验方

well proved clinical recipes临床验方

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