出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1194页(2390字)
qi-flow regulating herbal medicine理气药
qi regulating理气
regulate and nourish qi and the blood调补气血
regulate and nourish the primary yang调补元阳
regulate human psychological activities调整人的心理活动
regulate qi and dissipate the blood stasis理气行瘀
regulate qi and invigorate the blood理气活血
regulate qi and restore the function of the tongue理气开窍
regulate qi and the blood of the eye region通调眼部气血
regulate qi and the blood of the liver channel调整肝经气血
regulate qi around the eye region疏通眼部经气
regulate qi in the facial region疏通颊部经气
regulate qi in the foot region疏调足部经气
regulate qi in the front region of the shoulder疏调肩前经气
regulate qi in the Jueyin Meridians疏泄厥阴经气
regulate qi in the knee疏调膝部经气
regulate qi in the lumbar region疏调腰膝经气。
regulate qi in the shoulder region疏调肩部经气
regulate qi in the Taiyang Meridians疏泄太阳经气
regulate qi in the top area of the head疏散头顶部经气
regulate qi of fu organs通腑气
regulate qi on the forehead area疏通额部经气
regulate the bladder function and promote urination调理膀胱气机
regulate the Chong and Ren Meridians调理冲任
regulate the flow of qi to induce diuresis理气行水
regulate the function of middle-warmer理中
regulate the function of the internal organs调理内脏功能
regulate the functions of the meridians and zhang-fu organs调整经络脏腑功能
regulate the functions of zang-fu,meridians,qi and the blood调理脏腑经络气血
regulate the heart理心
regulate the meridians通络;调经
regulate the meridian and the eyes调经明目
regulate the physiology function调整生物体的生理功能
regulate the stomach qi and relieve mental stress调和胃气,宁心安神
regulate the whole body调整全身