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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 08:41:30

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第57页(423字)



①分开;分离〔The eruptions of the geyser come about one hour apart.喷泉大约隔1小时喷发一次。

〕②离开;离去〔Each year I set one week apart to go to the seashore.每年我要离开一周,去海边度假。〕③拆开〔The ship was blown apart by the bomb.这颗炸弹把船炸得粉碎。

He took the motor apart.他把摩托拆开。

〕‖ adj.分离的〔During the war,we were apart for three years.战争期间,我们分离了3年。

〕/apart from除…以外;且莫说〔Apart from newspapers,he reads very little.除了报纸外,他几乎什么也不看。〕

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