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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 09:43:17

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第210页(1177字)



①[气]晴;碧空〔a clear day晴天〕②清澈的,透明的,光亮的〔clear glass透明玻璃〕③无污垢的,无瑕的,无污点的,光滑的〔a clear skin光滑的皮肤〕④清晰可闻的,嘹亮的,清纯的〔a clear outline清晰的轮廓;a clear tone嘹亮的声音〕⑤清楚的,分明的,条理清楚的〔clear vision清晰的景象a clear mind清楚的头脑〕⑥(理解)清楚的,明确的〔a clear explanation明确的解释〕⑦明白无疑的,显而易见的〔a clear case of carelessness一个明显的粗心的例子〕⑧完全的,十足的,整个的〔a clear majority of votes选票的绝对多数;a clear title to property对财产的全部权力〕⑨无罪的,清白的,天真的〔a clear conscience清白的良心〕⑩结清的,净得的〔a clear profit of $ 10,000净利润1万美元〕⑾畅通的,无阻的〔a clear view畅通无阻的视野;a clear passage畅通的通道〕‖ adv.①清楚地,清晰地〔The bells rang out clear.铃声清晰地响起。

〕②[口]一直,整整〔We walked clear through the town.我们一直步行穿过小镇。〕‖ v.①变清澈,变清楚,变光滑〔The sky cleared after the storm.风暴后,天晴了。

This salve will clear your skin.这药膏能使你的皮肤变得光滑。〕②扫除,清除,卸货〔clear the trash from the basement从地下室清除垃圾;They cleared the ship of cargo.他们卸掉船上的货物。

〕③宣布…无罪,开释〔to clear a suspect of a crime宣布罪犯嫌疑无罪〕④穿过,越过〔The horse leaped and cleared the fence by two feet.儿跳起,越过栅栏二尺。The tug barely cleared the bridge.拖船几乎通不过桥。〕⑤净得〔He cleared $5 in that sale.在那次大甩卖中,他净赚了5美元。〕/clear away,clear off清除,排除/clear out①把…清出②[口]离开,走开/clear up①整理;(天气)放晴②解释/in the clear①不受到阻碍(或限制)②[口]无嫌疑,无罪/clearly adv./clearness n.

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