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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 09:47:56

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第228页(547字)



①委托状,[军]任职令,授衔令〔Officers in the U.S.armed forces hold their rank by a cornmission from the president.美军军官的军衔是由总统颁布的授衔令授予的。

〕②委托,委任,代办(权),代理(权)③委员会〔A commission was appointed to study the traffic problem.已指定一委员会来解决交通难题。〕④犯(罪)〔the commission of a crime犯罪〕⑤佣金〔He received 10% of the price as his commission.他得到价格的10%作为佣金。

〕‖ v.①委任,任命〔Generals,colonels,majors,captains and lieutenants are called commissioned officers.陆军上将、上校、少校、上尉和中尉都被称为受委任的军官。

〕②委托③把(船、舰等)编入现役/in commission①服现役中②可使用/out of commission①退出现役②不能使用,破损

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