更新时间:2018-09-12 09:56:28
出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第281页(538字)
①喊叫,号叫〔She cried out in fright when she saw the face at the window.当她看见窗户上的面孔时,吓得喊叫起来。
〕②哭泣,啜泣③叫喊,大声地说〔“Help!Help!”She cried.“救命,救命!”她大声地叫喊。〕‖ n.①叫喊,喊声〔I heard his cry for help.我听见他呼救的喊声。〕②呼声,舆论〔a battle cry喊杀声〕③(一阵)哭,哭泣〔She had a good cry and fell asleep.她痛痛快快地哭了一场就睡着了。〕④鸟兽的叫声〔the cry of a lost sheep失群绵羊的叫声〕/a far cry①遥远的距离,一大段距离〔It was a far cry from the farm to the town.农场离城很远。〕②大不相同的东西。〔The new school was a far cry from the old one.新学校同旧学校大不相同。〕/cry for①哭着要;吵着要求;恳求②迫切需要/cry one’s eyes out哭个痛快