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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 10:06:36

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第341页(438字)



①分,分开〔Germany was divided after the World War Ⅱ.二战后德国被分为两部分。

〕②除〔If you divide 12 by 3,you get 4.你如以3除12,得4。〕③划分,分类,归类〔Trees are divided into two classes::those that shed their leaves and those that do not.树可以分为两类:落叶的和不落叶的。

〕④隔开,隔离〔A stone wall divides their farms.一道石墙隔开他们的农场。

〕⑤分配,分享〔Divide the cake among the children.孩子们分蛋糕。

〕⑥(意见)分歧〔The Senate divided on the issue of taxes.参议院在税收问题上有分歧。〕‖ n.分水岭,分界线

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