更新时间:2018-09-12 10:32:43
出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第525页(633字)
①高的〔a high building高楼〕②高度的〔a fence four feet high四尺高的栅栏〕③远离地面的〔The plane was high in the sky.飞机在高空中。
〕④向高处的;从高处的〔a high jump跳高;a high dive高台跳水〕⑤高地位的;高级的〔a high official高级官员;high marks in school学习成绩的高分〕⑥好的,赞成的〔He had a high opinion of you.他很佩服你。〕⑦主要的〔the high priest主教〕⑧严重的〔high treason重大叛国罪〕⑨(数量、代价、动力等)过大的〔high prices高价;high voltage高压电〕⑩音调高的〔a high note高音〕⑾(肉等)略变质的⑿快乐的〔high spirits高兴〕⒀[俚]喝醉了的‖ adv.高〔Throw the ball high.把球扔高点。〕‖ n.①高处,高位;高度〔Prices reached a new high.价格达到了新的高度。〕②(齿轮等的)高速转动〔He shifted into high.他换上了高速档。
〕/high and dry孤立无援/high and low各处〔to look high and low到处看〕/on high在高空,在天上