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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 10:42:30

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第608页(814字)



(kept)①保持;保存;保留;保守〔He was kept after school.放学后他被留下来。

She kept her trim figure.她保持漂亮的体型。Can you keep a secret?你能保守秘密吗?〕②使(人或物)保持在(某一状态);节省〔I kept the cake to eat later.我把蛋糕留下来以后吃。

〕③阻止;制止〔l can’t keep her fromtalk.我不能阻止她讲话。

〕④照顾;照料〔She keeps house for her father.她为父亲照料家务。

〕⑤看守;保持〔Tighten the cap to keep the bot tle from spilling.盖紧瓶盖,别让水溢出来。〕⑥记〔to keep a diary记日记to keep the books记帐〕⑦备有(商品等),经销〔Our grocer keeps meat.我们的食品商经销肉。〕⑧雇用〔to keep servants雇仆人〕⑨保持着某一状态〔The fruit will keep in the refrigerator.将水果放在冰箱中保鲜。Keep your engine running.别关发动机。Keep on dancing.继续跳舞。

〕⑩实现;履行;纪念;庆祝〔to keep a promise履行诺言to keep the Sabbath守安息日〕‖ n.①生计,衣食〔George earned his keep by doing odd jobs.乔治打零工挣饭吃。

〕②城堡,城堡要塞/for keeps①获胜的标志②永久地/keep to oneself①不与人来往②保守秘密/keep up①不低落②坚持,继续③保守秘密/keep up with跟上

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