更新时间:2018-09-12 10:47:21
出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第643页(570字)
①担子〔a heavy load on his back身肩重担〕重担,负担〔Her safe arrival took a load off my mind,她平安抵达使我放了心。
〕②装载量;一车〔We used up six loads of coal.我们用了六车煤。〕③发电量,弹药一次装入枪〔a load of shot装子弹〕④loads[复][日常用语]大量;许多〔She has loads of friends.他有许多朋友。〕‖v.①装;装载〔to load a bus with passengers让乘客上公共汽车to load coal装煤〕②使负担〔She is loaded with troubles.她被困难压得心事重重。
〕③装满〔He was loaded with medals.他被授予了很多奖章。
〕④装入〔to load gun with bullets把子弹装入枪to load a camera with film把胶卷装入照相机〕⑤装货〔The truck is loading at the platform.这辆卡车正在站台上装货。〕⑥含蓄〔a loaded question另有用意的问题〕/loader n.