
来源:岁年网 时间:2018-04-10 12:38:40 同义词大全



(1).三名高士。 南朝 梁 何胤 及其兄 求 、 点 皆隐居不仕,世称 何氏 三高。见《南史·何胤传》。

(2).三名高士。 越 范蠡 、 晋 张翰 、 唐 陆龟蒙 皆 吴 人, 宋 时 吴江 以三人为三高,设 三高祠 祠之。 宋 周密 《齐东野语·鸱夷子见黜》:“ 吴江 三高亭 ,祠 鴟夷子皮 、 张季鹰 、 陆鲁望 ,而议者以 子皮 为 吴 大仇,法不当祀。前辈有云:‘可笑 吴 痴忘 越 恨,却夸 范蠡 作三高。’” 宋 姜夔 《石湖仙·寿石湖居士》词:“ 松江 烟浦,是千古三高,游衍佳处。”


high level of education, high salary, and high social status

high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure

三高 双语例句

1. 二、展览内容:矿泉水、纯净水、生态水、苏打水、碱性水、矿物质水、深层海洋水、薄荷水、特色疗养水(餐前开胃水、解酒水、减肥水、三高水、美容水、糖尿病水)等。

Exhibits: mineral water, purified water, ecological water, soda water, alkaline water, mineral substance water, deep ocean water, peppermint water, featured recuperation water appetizer water, sober-up water, anti-fat water, three-high water, beautification water, water for diabetes patients

2. 狮鹫—以耗粮计算,拥有三族最高的魔防(11),和第三高的魔攻(8),在游戏后期,绝对是人类的魔防主力。

Griffin - the food consumption, have three families of the highest voldemort prevent (11), and the third high magic attack (8), in the late game, absolutely is human's armor.

3. 在镇城底矿南四采区进行三维地震勘探中,将三高资料处理应用到山区三维地震资料的处理中确实能够起到良好的效果。

Data processing of high S/N, high resolution, high fidelity 3D seismic exploration in the mountain area is bele to favorable effects.

4. 她将是第一位位居总统和副总统之后,职位第三高的女性。

She will be the first woman to hold the third highest office after the President and Vice President.

5. 它高468米,是亚洲第一,世界第三高的电视塔。

It`s the highest TV tower in Asia and is the third highest one in world.

6. 将有可能成为全球排名第三高死亡率的疾病。

Will likely be the third leading cause of death across the world.

7. 其次,离博物馆不远便是著名的外滩,在那里你可以饱览浦东的景色:东方明珠电视塔以及世界第三高的金茂大厦。

Secondly, the musim is not far from the famous beach where you can put the the senery in your eyes that is dongfangmingzhu and the jinmao building

8. 深圳市三高保温水箱有限公司座落于深圳国际机场附近,交通便利,环境优美。

Shenzhen City three high-water tank insulation Co., Ltd located in Shenzhen, near the international airport, with convenient transportation and beautiful environment.

9. 干城章嘉峰是世界第三高的山,高度为8586米。

Kangchenjunga is the third highest mountain of the world, which height is 8, 586 metres (28, 169 ft).

10. 公司近几年来以较快的速度发展,实施了高起点、高质量、高水平的三高战略。

Companies in recent years to a more rapid pace of development, and implementation of a high starting point, high-quality, high-level strategy of three high.

11. 外汇汇率的权证当天百分之达到266.95,创下第三高的水平,因为上市。

Exchange rate of the warrants that day to reach 266.95 percent, hitting its third high-level since the listing.

12. 特别是在三高农业中,利用亚种间的杂种优势,选育优质高抗配合力好的亲本是杂交水稻育种工作的关键。

Increase of the food production will be mainly contributed by the utilization of the hybrid vigor of rice.

13. 采用国内先进的三高真空集热管,镀膜层 10 层基础上增加 2 层,具有 360 度超强的吸热效果,吸热能力强,升温高,抗击能力强。

It is made of the advanced three high-vacuum tube collector with adding 2 layers on the base of 10 layers, which makes it the strong heat-trapping and heat-up ability.

14. 是国内首款来自大海的饮料,其主要成份是栖菜免疫多糖,该饮料有六大功能:1、增强免疫、2、健胃通肠、3、解酒护肝、4、快速降火、5、祛脂减肥、6、预防三高。

This drink has six main functions: strengthen immunity, be good for the stomach a bowel, solve wine to protect liver, decline fire quickly, dispel fat to reduce weight, prevent from 3 high.

15. 详细研究了4—异亚丙基—C〓—三高立方烷—8,11—二酮中碳—碳双键的氧化反应,实现了双键的臭氧化分解,并发现其臭氧化物具有不寻常的稳定性。

The oxidation of C=C double bond in 4-isopropylideneC〓-trishomocubane-8, 11-dione was studied. Ozonolysis of that double bond was arrived and the ozonide was found much more stable than ordinary ozonides.

16. 立方氮化硼因其具有三高特性,而成为一种理想的硬磨料得以发展。

Cubic borazon has been developed as an ideal hard abrasive due to its high hardness, high thermal stability and high chemical inertia properties.


The high probability accidents take place so densely that they occupy 46.32% of death cases in this field according to statistics.

18. 高压、高含硫、高危“三高”气井影响固井质量的因素复杂,采用常规测井技术很难对其固井质量进行精确评价。

Genesis of original abnormal high pressure in east transitional zone of Xingnan area and its effect on cementing quality;

19. 是的,我们听了大约3个小时,听见了三高放歌紫禁城。

B: Yes, We listened for about 3 hours and heard San Gao singing in the Forbidden City.

20. 本文通过对常规供气系统用于AOD法中存在的问题进一步分析研究,并吸取生产中的实践经验,作了几点原则性的技术改进,从而实现了AOD法三高、三低的技术特点。

Through further analysing problem that conventional gas supply system apply to the AOD method and absorbing practice experience in production. This article makes a few principal technical improvements for realizing " three-high, three-low " techni-cal character in the AOD method.










