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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:19:37

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第960页(545字)


a.①可能的:by every possible means用一切可能的手段.with the least possible delay尽早,尽快.Learn everything you can for possible uses要尽力学会你可能用得上的一切.It is possible that he will be here in time.他可能按时来到这里.Itis possible for you to catch up with them.你们赶上他们是可能的.I’ll study as hard as possible.我要尽可能地努力学习.Come if possible.能来就来.②合适的,相当的,可以考虑的:a possible site for a factory一处适合建立工厂的地方.He is the only possible man among them.他是他们中唯一可以考虑的人.

-n.①全力:I’ll do my possible to help you.我要竭尽全力帮助你.②可能的人或物,候补人,预备队员.③(pl.)必需品.

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