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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:27:48

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1005页(5058字)


(put,put,putting)vt.①置,放:put the book on the table把书放在桌子上.put one’s hands in(or into)one’s pockets把手插在衣袋里.②写,指出,标明:put a tick against sb.’s name在某人名字上打记号.put one’s signature to the contract在合同上签字.put a price on each article在每件物品上标价.③刺,射,推,掷:put a knife into sb.用刀刺某人.put a bullet through sb.’s head用子弹射穿某人的头.④提出,呈交:put a question to sb.向某人提出问题.put a proposal to the congress向大会提出建议.⑤表述,说明,翻译:put it in English用英语表达它.put the phrase into Chinese把这一短语译成汉语.How shall I put it?我怎么说明才好呢?That can all be put in a few words.那件事用几句话就可以说明白.⑥估价,评价,估量:put the distance at five miles估计距离为五哩.put the book at two yuan估计这本书值两元钱.What value do you put on his work?你对他的工作评价如何?⑦处理,使处于…状态,使成…关系:put the children to bed安置孩子睡觉.put oneself in(or into)sb.’s hands使自己完全依赖于某人.put it on the market把它拿到市场上去(出售).put The Red Lantern on(the stage)上演《红灯记》.put it to a good use好好利用它.put sth.in order整理东西.put sb.out of temper使某人发脾气.put sth.out of one’s head忘记某事.put sb.in the wrong归咎于某人.put the clock fast把钟拨快.put sb.in prison将某人投入监狱.put sb.to great inconvenience给某人许多不便.put the horse to the cart把套在车上.be put to flight被击退.The land was put into(or under)turnips.这块地种了罗卜.Put yourself in my place.请你设身处地替我想一想.How can I put him at his ease?我怎样才能使他宽心呢? put sb.through it【口语】彻底考验或审讯某人.put sb.to death处死某人.put sb.to ransom绑架某人以勒索赎金.put sb.to the blush使某人脸红.put sth.in hand开始做某事.put an end(or a stop)to sth.结束或废除某事物.put an end to one’s life自杀.put sb.in mind of使某人想起….be hard put to it处境困难,迫不得已.

-vi.(航海)前进,继续行驶:The ship put into Shanghai for stores.这只船驶进上海装必需品.We put off from the pier.我们驶离了码头.

△put about 1)(尤指船)(使)改变方向.2)使烦恼,使忧愁:be much put about by sth.为某事大为苦恼.3)传播,公布:put about rumours散布谣言.put across 1)【俚】获得成功.2)欺骗,欺诈.3)横放.put aside置于一旁:put aside one’s book放下书(不读).put aside every copper for the revolutionary cause节省每个铜板为着革命事业.put away 1)收藏,储放.2)储存,储蓄.3)放弃:He put away all ideas of becoming a driver.他放弃了当司机的念头.4)【口语】囚禁,监禁.5)【俚】吃喝.6)(因年老或疾病而被)弄死,处死.7)划(船)离开.8)【古】休(妻),出(妻).put back 1)放回原处:put the ink-pot back where it came from把墨水瓶放回原处.2)向后移,拨回:put the clock back five minutes把钟拨回五分钟.3)【喻】阻碍,阻止,使迟缓.4)(船、水手)归来.put by 1)储蓄,储存:ten yvan put by a month每月存起十元.2)躲避,忽视,舍弃:put by some questions made by the newsreporters回避记者提出的一些问题.put down l)放下,放低:Put down the window,please.请放下窗子.put down airs放下架子.2)储藏:put down a good supply of food储藏大批食物.3)镇压,剿灭:put down a rebellion镇压叛乱.4)突然遏止,使沉默.5)使卑微,贬低,挫:He was put down for peculation.他因侵吞公款而被降职.6)写下,记下:Put down the address in your notebook.请把地址写在你的笔记本上.7)缩减,不再保持(昂贵之物):put down one’s expenditure缩减开支.8)考虑,认为:How old would yon put her down at?你认为她有多大年纪?9)归因于,推诿:His illness was put down to indigestion.他的病被认为是由消化不良引起的.put forth 1)长出:put forth new leaves长出新叶.2)伸出:put forth one’s hand伸出手来.3)尽(力),发挥:put forth all our strength in building socialism在社会主义建设中发挥我们的一切力量.put forward 1)提出,建议:put forward a theory提出一种理论.2)推荐,推举:put him forward as a candidate推举他当候选人.3)拨快(钟表).put in 1)使在内:put one’s head in at the window从窗户伸进头来.2)提出(要求),呈交:put in a claim for damages提出赔偿损失的要求.3)使就职,任命.4)插入,引入:put in one’s oar干涉,插进.put in a good word for sb.替某人说好话.5)做,实行:put in an hour’s work before breakfast早饭前工作一小时.6)【口语】花费,消磨,度过(时间):There’s still an hour to put in before the shops open.离开业还有一小时.7)(船、水手)进入,驶入.8)申请,为…候选人:put in for a job申请工作.put off 1)延期,推迟:put off a meeting推迟会议.2)延后(同某人的)约会或安排.3)闪避,敷衍,推诿:He tried to put me off with vague promises.他企图用含糊的允诺搪塞我.4)放弃,妨碍,劝阻:The mere smell of mutton put him off his supper.一闻到肉味他就不想吃晚饭了.5)消除,移除:put off one’s fears消除恐惧.6)脱去(衣、帽等).7)(船、水手)离岸.put on 1)穿上,戴上:put on one’s hat戴上帽子.2)假装,伪称有:put on an air of modesty假装谦逊.3)增加,添上:put on speed加速.put on flesh长胖.4)安排,准备,使可利用:put on extra trains加火车.put a play on(准备)演剧.5)使行动.6)拨快(钟表等).7)赌(钱).put it on【口语】1)显示,夸大,夸张.2)要价过高.put out 1)扑灭,熄灭:The fire was put out.火被扑灭了.2)使脱臼:She fell off a horse and put her shoulder out.她从马上掉下来,把肩膀摔脱臼了.3)伸出:put one’s hand out in welcome伸出手以示欢迎.4)使离开(房间等).5)使困惑,使不安,惹恼:She was very much put out by your rudeness.你的鲁莽使她极为恼火.6)出版,发行:put out a new book出版一本新书.7)使感不便.8)尽(力),发挥:put out all one’s strength发挥一切力量.g)在家外做:put out the washing把要洗的东西送(到洗衣店)洗.10)放利息,放账,投资.11)生产:put out l,000 bales of cotton sheeting every week每周生产棉被单一千包.12)(船、水手)驶出(港).put over(船、水手)驶过,驶向,改变航向.put sth·over【口语】成功地做某事.put through 1)实行,完成:put the project through完成这项计划.2)(由电话)接通:Put me through to the Foreign Languages Press.请接外文出版社.put together 1)组合,组装:put a machine together装一台机器.2)汇集,集中(思想、精力、智慧等):You two had better put your heads together.你们俩最好商量商量.3)合计,(得分)积累.put up 1)举起,抬起:put up one’s hands举起双手.2)扬起,升起:put up a flag升旗.put up a sail扬帆.3)盘起,梳起:put one’s hair up盘起头发.4)说,祈祷.5)提出,摆出(以供出售或竞争).6)提高,抬高:put up the prices提高物价.7)包装:herrings put up in barrels装在桶里的青.8)给予,施以:put up a stout resistance进行坚决抵抗.9)推荐,提名为候选人.10)(候选人)竞选.11)提供(款项),投资.12)关刀,插(刀)入鞘.13)使(禽、兽)离巢穴.14)供以食宿.15)获得食宿:put up at an inn for a night在客栈住一夜.16)建立,竖起:put up a tent搭起帐篷.17)公布,公告:put up a notice公布通知.i8)储存,储藏.put sb.up to sth.1)通知,介绍.2)鼓动,教唆.put up with1)容忍,忍受:no longer put up with the aggression and oppression再也不能忍受侵略和压迫了.2)与…同住.

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