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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:58:58

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1221页(1438字)


(spokeor【古】spake,spoken.)vi.①说,说话:generally speaking一般说来.strictly speaking严格说来.The baby is learning to speak.这小孩在学习说话.Please speak more slowly.请说慢些.speak ill of说…的坏话.speak out(or up)1)(更)大声说:Sspeak out——we can’t hear.大点声说,我们听不见.2)大胆说:Sspeak out——don’t be afraid.大胆说吧,不要怕.so to speak 假如可以这样说的话.②谈话,交谈:I shall speak to him about that matter tomorrow.明天我要和他谈这件事.③演讲:He is used to speaking in public.他惯于在公开场合讲话.Who is going to speak at the meeting this evening?谁要在今晚的会上发言?④谈到,提到:The lecturer spoke ofmany things relating to chemistry.讲演人谈到许多关于化学方面的事情.nothing to speak of不值一谈.⑤达意:Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩.The portrait speaks.像如其人.speak well for证明…好.⑥(枪、炮、乐器等)响.

-vt.①讲(话),说(话),操…语言:She speaks English fluently.她英语讲得流利.How many languages do you speak?你能讲几种语言?②发表,讲出,说出:speak the truth说老实话.speak one′s mind畅所欲言,说心里话.He spoke only a few words.他只说了几句话.③表示,表明:His actions spoke him brave.他的行动表明他是勇敢的.speak volumes含有深远意义:His remarks at the meeting spoke volumes.他在会上的发言意味深长.speak volumes for为…的有力证据.

△speak for 1)预定,预约:speak for tickets预约票.2)代…说话,代…说明事实:He was speaking for the group he represented.他是代表他的小组说话的.speak for itself不言而喻:There is no need for me to praise it,it speaks for itself.勿需我去赞扬,那是不言而喻的事.speak for oneself 1)为自己辩解.2)仪说明有关本身的事.speak to 1)证明,说到,提及:You must speak to the subject.你不可离开本题.2)责备:speak to him about his wasting electricity责备他浪费电.

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