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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 09:56:22

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第280页(428字)



①压碎,压坏,压伤〔He crushed the walnut in his hand.他压碎了手里的胡桃。

His hat was crushed when he sat on it.他坐在帽子上,把帽子压坏了。〕②磨碎,碾碎〔This machine crusbes rocks.这台机器可压碎石头。

〕③压服,压倒,压垮〔The government crushed the revolt.政府镇压了反叛。

〕④弄皱,揉皱〔Her cotton dress crushes easily.她的棉布衣服容易起皱。

〕‖ n.①压碎,毁坏,压皱②极度拥挤〔He was caught in the crush of people leaving the stadium.离开体育场时他被挤在人流中。〕③迷恋,迷恋的对象〔John had a crush on Mary.约翰迷恋玛丽。〕

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