出处:按学科分类—农业科学 中国农业出版社《农作物品种鉴定手册》第98页(1564字)
2.浸种 将样品放入水中浸3小时,或者为了加快吸胀,可把种子样品煮沸20分钟。但须注意,尚未吸胀的种子,应弄破种皮;
〔6〕Niemyski.K and Grzelak(1975),Phenol reaction of Poa pratensis seeds,Seed Sci.8 Technol.Vol(3):619—623.
〔7〕Porter,R.H(1944),Testing the Quality of Seed for Farm and Garden.
〔8〕Dhssi,N.S.et a1(1967),A preliminaly note on the use of thin layer Chromatography for the identification of field Crop viarieties,Proceedings of the As sociation of official Seed Analysts,Vol.57:120—123.
〔9〕Marchylo,B.A,et al(1984),Identification of Canadien darley Cultivars by reversed—phase high performance liquid,chromatography,《Cereal Chem.》61:295—301.
〔10〕O.Ulvinen(1973),Handbook of Seed Testing——Testing for Genuineness of Cultivar,ISTA Secratary.
〔11〕J.S.C.Smith(1986),Biochemical fingerprints of Cultivars using reversed—phase high performance liquid Chromatography and isozyme electrophore sis:a review.Seed Sci.& Teehnol,14:753—768.