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书籍:英汉金融新词库 更新时间:2018-09-14 00:47:22

出处:按学科分类—经济 上海科学技术文献出版社《英汉金融新词库》第243页(2278字)




◇at the current rate以现行利率rate up向…征收高额保险费

‖rate against pound sterling英镑兑换率rate-capping征税额上限,课税上限rate cutting减低运费或保险费rate deficiency grant税款短收补贴rate for advances on securities证券抵押垫款利率rate for day-to-day loans日贷款率rate in force现行税率表rate in foreign money外汇兑换率rate in home money(currency)本币兑换率rate of annunl年率rate of call活期利率rate of capital accumulation资本积累率rate of capital turnover资金周转率rate of capital utilization资本利用率rate of collection of accounts receivable应收账款收款率rate of commission佣金率rate of concession优惠率rate of conversion兑换率rate of deposit turnover存款周转率rate of depreciation贬值率rate of diem日率rate of discount贴现率rate of dividend股利率rate of dollar美元汇率rate of duty税率rate of earnings on total capital employed总营运资本利润率rate of estate duty遗产税率rate of exchange兑换率,(外汇)汇率rate of foreign exchange(外汇)汇率rate of giving account支付汇率rate of gross investment总投资率rate of gross profit毛利率rate of increase增长率rate of increment增长率rate of inflation通货膨胀率rate of insurance保险费率rate of interest利率rate of interest per annum年利率rate of investment投资率rate of issue发行牌价rate of loans贷款利率rate of mail transfer信汇汇率rate of margin毛利率rate of net profit纯利率rate of payment to primary inputs最初投入支付率rate of per annum年率rate of premium升水率rate of profit利润率rate of profitability收益率rate of redemption偿还率rate of rediscount再贴现率rate of return收益率rate of return on capital资本收益率rate of return on net worth净值收益率rate of savings储蓄率rate of subsidization补贴率rate of substitution替换率rate of surplus value剩余价值率rate of tax(taxation)税率rate of telegraphic transfer电汇汇率rate of working运营比率rate of yield收益率rate payer纳税人rate payment缴税rate per annum年率rate per cent利率rate per diem日率rate per mensem月率rate prevailing on the international financial market国际金融市场利率rate quotations现行运价表rate range地方税范围rate refund偿还税款rate return tables报酬率表rate risk利率风险rate scale费率表,价目表rate schedule税率表rate sheet利率表rate structure税率结构rate support grant以地方税为来源的拨款rate variance费率差异rate war价格战real effective exchange rate实际有效汇率real effective exchange rate index实际有效汇率指数through rate直通运价rates and taxes地方税和国家税rates clerk运价核算员rates of wages per week周工资率rated flow(货币)额定流量not rated不可融资清偿的rated tax额定税率ratable adj.应(纳)税的ratable property应纳税产品,应纳税财产ratable value征税估价,课税价格ratal n.征税价格,纳税额

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