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书籍:英汉金融新词库 更新时间:2018-09-14 00:57:19

出处:按学科分类—经济 上海科学技术文献出版社《英汉金融新词库》第303页(902字)




‖system account制度账户system audit系统审计system auditing制度审计system customs security关税保证制度system external auditing系统外审计system internal auditing系统内审计system of account(accounting)会计制度system of accounts账户体系system of automatic internal audit内部自动审计制度system of bank audit银行审计制度system of compensatory crediting补偿贷款制度system of customs security关税保证制度system of economic calculation经济核算制度system of finance audit金融审计体系system of fixed quota for revenue and expenditure财政定额包干制度system of individual house个人分红制度system of instantaneous payments立即付款方式system of licensing许可证制度system of maximum issue最高限额发行制system of national debt国债制度system of note issue纸币发行制度system of public credit公共信用制度system of state ownership国家所有制system of statement报表制度upper end of the schedular system分级税制上层税率systems approach to an audit系统审计法systemic adj.系统的systematic auditing系统审计

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