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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 03:44:50

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第4页(794字)


prep.①在…上边,高于:The sun is above the horizon.太阳在地平线上.The water came above our knees.水深没膝.above sea level海拔.②超过,多于,大于:You are above fifty,aren’t you?你五十多了,不是吗?It weighs above a ton.重一吨以上.put the trivial above the important轻重倒置.③胜过:value the interests of the Party above one’s life把党的利益看得比生命还重.④超乎其上,不屑为:be above vulgar interests脱离了低级趣味.not be above asking questions不耻下问.⑤超越,…所不及:The book is above me.这书太难,我读不了.

-ad.①在上头:Our bedroom isjust above.我们的寝室就在上头.②前面,以上:as is stated above 如上所述.the facts above 以上事实.

-a.前面的,上述的:the above explanation上述说明.

-n.上面,上述:The above is a true story.以上所说是真事.

△above all最重要的是:above all,you must study Chairman Mao’s writings.首要的是你必须学习毛主席着作.

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