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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:02:04

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第21页(1048字)


vi.①前进,进展:advance by creeping匍匐前进.advance against the enemy迎击敌人.advance from victory to victory从胜利走向胜利.We advance when Chairman Mao gives the signal.毛主席挥手我前进.②进步,提高:advance in one’s studies学习进步.③(价格)上涨.

-vt.①推进:advance a theory to a new stage of development把一种理论推进到一个新的发展阶段.②增进,促进:Chemical fertilizers advance the growth of crops.化肥促进庄稼生长.③提出:advance a.proposal(theory,request,etc.)提出建议(理论、请求等).Chairman Mao has advanced the theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat.毛主席提出了在无产阶级专政下继续革命的理论.④提拔,提升.⑤提高(价格).⑥预付;贷款.

-n.①前进:Nothing can stopthe advance of the revolution.什么也阻挡不了革命的向前发展.②进步,进展: an advance in health增进健康.He has made great advances in thought remoulding.他思想改造取得了很大进步.③(价格、价值、工资等)提高,上涨:be on the advance 在上涨.④预付;贷出款项.

△in advance 预先,事先,提前:Tell me in advance.事先告诉我.pay in advance 预付.be in advance of在…前面.

-a.事先:advance preparations事先准备.an advance detachment先遣队.an advance copy样本.

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