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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:17:39

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第60页(795字)


vt.①走近,靠近,接近:The paraders approached the square.游行者走近广场.Imperialism is approaching its doom.帝国主义日益接近它的末日.②向…提出建议(请求等),找(人)商量:approach sb.on sth.找某人商量某事.Let’s approach the platoon leader.我们去找排长商量.He is easy to approach.他容易接近.③研究,考虑,处理:You should approach the problem from a different angle.你应该从另一角度考虑这个问题.

-vi.接近,临近:National Day is approaching.国庆节快到了.

-n.①走近,临近,接近,(pl.)亲近:at the approach of summer在夏天即将到来的时候.be easy of approach(某人)易于接近,(某地)容易到达.make approaches to sb.亲近某人.②通路,入口:the approach to the reservoir去水库的路.③门径,途径,方法,手段:the approach of class analysis阶级分析的方法.Re-education by the workers,peasants and soldiers is an excellent approach to the thought remoulding of intellectuals.接受工农兵再教育是知识分子改造思想的极好途径.④近似法,近似值.

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