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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:18:53

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第69页(2098字)


ad.一样,同样:Wehave as many spades.我们也有这么多锹.as(ad.)… as(conj.)象…一样…:Our consciousness of continuing the revolution has never been as high as today.我们继续革命的觉悟从来没有象今天这样高.

-conj.① as(ad.)… as(conj.)象…一样…:He is as steadfast as the pine.他象松柏一样坚强.not so… as 不如…那样…:Itis not so difficult as I expected.这不象我所想象那样困难.②正当…,一面…一面…:It began to rain as I was leaving.我正要出去,下起雨来了.They had a heart-to-heart talk as they walked along.他们一边走一边谈心.as soon as 一…就:I’ll let you know as soon as I get any news.-有消息我就告诉你.③如同,象,按照:We must do as Chairman Mao teaches us.我们必须按照毛主席教导的那样去做.You can go or stay as you like.去留随你的便.as if(=as though)似乎,好象:He works very hard as if he never intended to sleep.他工作非常努力,好象他永远不打算睡觉了.④因为,由于:As the conditions have changed, we’d better get our plan revised.情况变了,我们最好修改计划.⑤虽然,尽管(语序倒装):Young as he is,he is quite experienced.尽管他年青,却很有经验.

△as it is(过去式:as it was)事实上:As it was,I did not go with him.事实上我没有跟他去.as it were好象是,可以说是:He is,as it were,a living Foolish Old Man.他可以说是个活愚公.as(or so)far as 就…说:As far as the quality of tone is concerned,the radio is excellent.就音质而论,这架收音机好极了.As far as I know,he cannot be over thirty.就我所知他不可能超过三十岁.as(or so)long as 只要:We must study as long as we are alive.活到老,学到老.as …so正象,犹如:As water is to fish,so are masses to the army.军队和群众犹如和水.so as to(do)为了:He got up early so as to catch the morning train.为了赶上早车,他起得很早.so… as to(do)以至于:The question is so obvious as to need no reply.问题如此明显不需要回答.

-rel.pron.①(与such,the same,as连用):We will provide the oppressed people with such things as they need.我们要提供被压迫人民所需要的东西.I havc the same opinion as you(have).我和你的意见一样.He is as diligent a man as I have ever met.他是我所遇到的最勤勉的人.②这一点,这件事:This is all trickery,as is usual with the U.S.aggressors.这是美国侵略者惯用的手法.

-prep.作为,如同:die as a hero英勇牺牲.We regard foreign languages as a weapon of class struggle.我们把外语当作阶级斗争的工具.

△as for至于,谈到:As for me,I have no objection.至于我,我不反对.as to至于,关于:As to this point,I have a few words to say·关于这一点,我要说几句.

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