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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:25:38

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第115页(862字)


vt.相信,认为:I believe you(your words,your statement).我相信你(你的话、你的说法).I believe what he says.我相信他的话.We believe that communism will certainly come true.我们相信共产主义一定会实现.I believe him to be honest.我相信他是诚实的.Will thev come tomorrow?Yes,I believe so.No,I believe not.他们明天会来吗?是的,我想他们会来.不,我想他们不会来.Believe or believe not(=Believe it or not).信不信由你.

-vi.①相信(某物之价值、效果等)(in):I believe in his loyalty to the Party.我相信他对党的忠诚.I believe in acupuncture therapy.我相信针刺疗法(的效果).Seeing is believing.【谚】百闻不如一见.②信任(in):I believe in him.我信任他(比较:I believe him.我相信他所说的话).③信仰(真理、原则),信奉(宗教等)(in):believe in Marxism-Leninism信仰列主义.④想,判断.

△make believe 假装:He made believe not to see me.他假装没看见我.The imperialists always make believe that they are lovers of peace.帝国主义者总是伪装成和平爱好者.

be·liev·a·ble a.可信的.

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