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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:29:06

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第140页(736字)


n.①木板,板子,牌子:a quotation board语录牌(板).a chess board棋盘.a diving board(游泳池)跳板.②(pl.)舞台:on the boards在舞台上,当演员..③甲板,船舷:be on board在船上.go on board上船,上飞机,上火车.④会议桌,委员会,部,局,厅,政府官员.⑤伙食:board and lodging膳宿.We pay fifteen yuan for board every month.我们每月付15元伙食费.⑥(装订书面的)硬纸,纸板.

△be above board光明正大.sweep the board赌胜,【喻】全胜.go by the board(计划、努力等)被放弃,完全失败.

-vt.①铺木板,用木板挡住:board up a window把窗户挡上木板.The floor was boarded地面铺上了地板.②供膳:All the pupils are boarded and lodged at the school.全体学生都在学校入伙住宿.board out在外面搭伙.③上(船、火车、电车等):board the train上火车.④(海战)沿船边攻击,强行登船.

-vi.包伙,包饭:He boards at Uncle Li’s(or with Uncle Li).他在李大叔家搭伙.board·er n.①寄宿生,寄膳宿的人.②挤上船的人.

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