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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:35:32

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第189页(1174字)


n.①小心,注意:Give more care to your handwriting.多注意你的书法.Handle with care!小心轻放!Take care not to be found by the enemy.注意别让敌人发现.Take care that no mistake(should)be made.当心不要出错.②照管,关心,护理:free medical care 公费医疗. You may leave the child in my care.我可以替你照顾小孩.Children have the best of care in our country.在我国儿童受到最好的照顾.take care of【口语】1)照管:Take good care of these pieces of apparatus.好好保管这些仪器.The armv dependents are taken care of by the commune.军属受到公社的照顾.2)小心,提防,对付:We must take care of all possible obstacles.我们必须防止一切可能发生的故障.under the care of由…负责照管:The packing workshop is under the care of Master Chen.包装车间由陈师傅负责.(in) care of(【略】c/o)由…转交:Comrade Wang c/o Comrade Li李同志转交王同志.③挂念,忧虑;操心事:free from care(s)无忧无虑.

-vi.①关心,计较,在意:He was severely criticised,but it seemed that he didn’t care much.他受到了严厉的批评,可是他好象不大在乎.I don’t care where you go.我不管你上哪儿去.Who cares?管它呢!I don’t care about going on foot.走着去我也不在乎.I don’t care a rap(or a pin,a damn,a farthing).我一点也不在乎,毫不在乎.②喜欢,愿意:Would you care to go to the films with me?你愿意和我一起去看电影吗? care for 1)喜爱,喜欢:He doesn’t much care for skating.他不大喜欢滑冰.2)照顾,关心:We should care for each other.我们应当互相关心.

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