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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:36:15

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第197页(1369字)


(ca.ught,ca.ught)vt.①抓住,捉住,逮住,捕获:catch aball接球.catch all the secret agents in a dragnet把特务一网打尽.The militiamen caught the U.S.air pirate alive.民兵活捉了美国空中强盗.A nail caught my dress.钉子钩住了我的衣服.catch hold of抓住:The boy caught hold of a branch to prevent him from falling.小孩抓住树枝以防摔下.catch out 1)发觉,发现.2)使(垒球手)出局.②赶上(火车、公共汽车等):catch a train赶火车.③发觉,瞥见,突然遇着:catch sb.doing sth.发现某人做某事(尤指坏事).catch sb.at sth.撞见某人正在做某事.④感染,传上:catch(a)cold感冒.⑤领会,了解:catch the point领会要点.Do you catch my meaning?你懂我的意思吗?I couldnot catch a word.我一句话也没听清楚.⑥打中:The stone caught him on the forehead.石头打中他的前额.

-vi.①捉住,抓住:catch at捉,捉住:catch at the ball接球.catch at shadows捕风捉影.We caught at the idea.我们采纳了这条意见.②锁住,钩住:The lock won’t catch.这锁锁不住.The kite caught in a tree.风筝挂在树上了.③燃着,发火:The match doesn’t catch.火柴擦(划)不着.

△catch fire着火.catch on 1)受欢迎:Revolutionary songs catch on.革命歌曲大受欢迎.2)明白:He doesn’t quite catch on.他不太明白.catch sb.’s eye朝某人看以引起其注意.catch up(with)追着,追上:He’ll soon catch us up.他很快就会赶上我们.catch up with and surpass advanced world levels赶上和超过世界先进水平.catch sb.’s attention(fancy)引起某人的注意(迎合某人的心意).catch sight(or a glimpse)of看见,瞥见.catch one’s breath屏住呼吸.catch·ern.①(垒球)接手.②捕捉器.catch·ing a.传染(性)的.

-n.①抓住,捉住,接住.②捕获物,捕获量:The commune members got a fine catch of fish.公社社员捕到了一大批.③窗钩,门扣.④圈套,诡计.⑤【机】挡器,掣子.

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