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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:45:21

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第259页(542字)


vt.①连接,连结,联系:con.nect(up)the cells of a battery连结电池组的各个电池.The two mines are con.nected by a railway.这两个矿山有铁路相连.Please con.nect me with Peking University.(电话)请给我接北京大学.be con.nected with a family与某家有亲戚关系.②联想:We con.nect today’s happiness with Chairman Mao and the Party.一想起今天的幸福,我们就想起了党和毛主席.

-vi.联络,相通,接续(with):The 5.00 a.m.train from Harbin con.nects with the 1.30 p.m.train for Tantung at Shenyang.早五点从哈尔滨开来的列车在沈阳可以接上下午一点半开往丹东方面的列车.This pipe con.nects with a smaller one.这管子和一个小一点的管子连通着.

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